Friday, February 16, 2007

A little something written by my Dad in 2005....

That’s what they say.
I won’t buy that,
Not for a day.

I’m not my own,
A fatherless child.
I’m part of a family.
Now isn’t that wild?

Let me explain.
It’ll take just a minute,
And the rest of my life
To explain what is in it.

Jesus loves me,
So simple but true.
I’m part of God’s family.
How about you?

The Family of God,
All over the earth,
Brothers and sisters,
How much is that worth?

The Lord is my shepherd.
I have all I need,
And so much left over
To scatter like seed.

Seedtime and Harvest,
And never say never,
Spreading Faith, Hope and Love
For now and forever

So, why not my way?
I may get it wrong.
“FATHER knows best.”
I’m where I belong

Beauty and Love,
Grace and Truth
Make us royal children,
Like Rahab and Ruth.

And Simon and Mary,
The Samaritan and Paul,
Once far from God.
HE’S adopted us all

If children, then heirs,
That’s why I say.
Make the ultimate choice.
“I’ll have it YOUR Way”.

That’s what they say.
But, I ‘m not buying that,
Not for a day.

11/11/2005, 10;30 AM

Heathrow Airport, London