Friday, July 21, 2006

Gay marriage splits after 2 years...

They told the world that their relationship was like any other and that's why they should be allowed to marry. Now, friends say, they are showing once again that they are just like any other couple: Two years after getting married, Julie and Hillary Goodridge, lead plaintiffs in the state's landmark gay marriage case, are splitting.

"But, but, but gay relationships aren't like any other." says the libs.

"But, but, marriage doesn't change anything. It's just a piece of paper!" cry the fornicators.

This couple could maintain their relationship through 20 years, careers, a child, purchasing a home and a legal battle to rival Ivan Ho.

But they couldn't handle being MARRIED. To be fair, there aren't many who can handle their entire existence being suddenly thrust into the public eye. But the fact remains that they were married (legally) for only a brief span of time.

Makes me wonder. Maybe there is something to this whole covenant thing between a man, a woman and their G-d after all.