Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I firmly believe, in this day, that homeschooling is becoming less of a "wouldn't it be nice" and more a matter of survival for many Christian families. Single moms (just ask Serena), families who struggle financially and even the wealthy who aren't even typical believers but want a better education and lifestyle for their children (ask Will Smith).

That being said. I have a dear friend who desperately wanted to homeschool and after 2 years of miserable failure due to her health issues put her children back in Public school. For her this was the right solution and I completely support her.

Yes, we have terrible WEEKS sometimes. And it's not an easy way to live. But I believe through quantity not just random quality healthy relational coping skills are taught in a way that could never be taught in another environment. My children are "best friends" through both convenience and choice.

The educational benefits of homeschooling are well-documented and with the glut of curriculum out there it's my own fault if my kids aren't taught the three R's. I believe my purpose on this earth and why G-d gave me children is to raise them to be strong, productive men. Men of character and determination. Men of G-d. That's my goal.

If, perhaps, they aren't doing calculus in the 8th grade or speaking 2 languages by the middle of the 5th grade, I'm ok with that.

The fact they have a very limited knowledge of sex, drugs and rock and roll? The fact they can play with toddlers and teenagers with the same amount of interest? Bonus.

The fact that my 9 year old can spend two days pursuing math that is beyond his grade level? Bonus.

The fact that my 7 year old can struggle with reading while doing 3rd grade science projects? Bonus.

Homeschooling is my lifestyle.

We turn a walk in the forest into "science" or a walk down town into "Art appreciation" with a side of "sensitivity training" when I tell them not to gawk at the ginormous woman on the scooter. Or if I take 2 weeks and work with them on how to clean a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen instead of McGuffy Readers and seatwork. Or turning a conflict into an opportunity to learn about repentance, forgiveness and restitution.

Any family can do these things whether or not they homeschool. It's a matter of finding WHEN if you don't have your children with you as much as I do. The average family in todays typical environment, spends 20-30 minutes a day with each other. That's barely enough time to settle into "hi, how are you!". I admire the families that are able to be successful parents in that type of circumstance. I really do. That is far harder than what I do. To rebuild your children on a regular basis requires a level of diligence and perseverance which is unusual and extraordinary.

I just ask one question.
