Saturday, January 20, 2007

Our puppy is growing quite fast, eating us out of house and home and basically being marvelous. Of course the most beautiful and brilliant dog ever born in the history of mankind and all that.

This morning as I was working with him he reached a new level of training. I believe I must boast.

He knows to sit, lie down and stay with only the use of hand signals. No words, no treats, no threats of horrible abuse laid upon his fawning little head. Quite impressive.

No, it wasn't a fluke. He did this repeatedly. I was so proud. I called to my husband to come and view the canine prodigy we are blessed to share farting space with and he was also suitably impressed.

Scooby, the wonder dog, did the kidney bean happy dance. He was so overwhelmed with the high praise and happy voices of his masters that he promptly went into the boys bathroom and ate two toothbrushes.

Gotta love puppies.