Thursday, December 21, 2006

We are on the 7th night of Hanukkah. The hanukkiah doesn't look quite so pitiful in the window.

Gotta tell you what just happened.

As we lit the candles and talked about G-d's faithfulness to those who have chosen to return to Him and live lives that honor His commandments I had an idea!

My kids needed to see the light in the window from outside! Of course! It's an object lesson!

So, I made them put on boots and hats over their pajamas, dragged my husband away from the laptop and as we all congregated on the sidewalk next to our house I called to the the last one out the door, "Make sure the door's not locked!"

He promptly slammed it shut and proudly announced, "Door's locked, Mom!"


So, it's 20 degrees out and the front and back doors are locked.

Fortunately we all had a good sense of humor and after observing the beauty of the lights and talking about "true flames" versus "artificial light" (ie the gigantic ode to Santa next door) we walked around the house until we found a window that could be pushed up, the little guy was lifted up and shoved in and we walked merrily into our toasty home.

Making memories, everyone!