Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's 3:50 on December 31st, 2006. Tonight I'm going to a friends house where we will eat, drink and play bunco. I think fun will be had by all. We will be surrounded by good friends and fellow believers.

I am blessed.

I look out toward 2007 with some trepidation.

Personally, there are a few things in my life that I see G-d asking me to change and some of them are my very favorite "sacred cows". I don't know how it will all pan out. I pray my life will be characterized more by my obedience than by my failures to obey.

Our family is hoping for some fairly significant changes in this year. But most of them are of the miraculous sort. We pray. He moves according to what is best for us.

Nationally, I am not looking forward to a sliding dollar, more debate on Iraq an increasingly virulent imorality that cloaks itself in the disquise of tolerance and freedom.

Worldwide, we keep our eyes on Jerusalem. She is the barometer for the nations and we pray continuously for her safety and the safety of her people. Maybe next year in Jerusalem, eh? If G-d wills it.

And above all, we keep an eternal perspective. The time is getting short and the days are not getting easier. We have an urgency in our hearts to prepare for the provision of ourselves, our families and any others who need assistance.

I don't know what this next year holds. Last year I had a slew of grand and glorious plans. Most of which were complete failures. Ouch. This year, I am a little older, a little wiser perhaps.

This year, I look out toward 2007 and I can't see quite as clearly as I have in the past. This year more than any other all I can think is we need to pray.

May it be Your will,Adonai,our G-d and the G-d of our ancestors, that You lead us toward peace, guide our footsteps toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace. May you rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing in our handiwork, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us.May You hear the sound of our humble request because You are G-d Who hears prayer requests. Blessed are You,Adonai, Who hears prayer.