Saturday, December 16, 2006

I wasn't going to write anything tonight. I came home from a party and stopped for a minute to peruse the blogs... Res is Processing. Keep him in prayer. And his sister and her husand. Anyone who has loved anyone will understand the need.

So, we are celebrating Hanukkah. Chanukah. Complete with potato donuts, latkes and lots of laughter.

Usually I close the place down, being the insatiable conversationalist that I am. But tonight I ended up in the living room with all the "girls" and when the kids got kooky at 10:30 I decided I was too tired to keep up with the conversation and the drama.

I left my husband enjoying his cigar and drinking his port with the fellas in the "smoking room". I loaded up my friend and her son and drove her home. It's so cold the snow is crunchy and the ice is a bit sticky. I only had to put it in 4wd once. Going down my friends driveway. And hitting three haybales. Don't ask.

Usually at the end of an extremely busy day I have warm fuzzies and a tired sense of satisfaction. Worship went well this morning, I didn't butcher the Hebrew too terribly on the Ma Tovu and the donuts were good. Although they weren't my finest. Sad to say. But true.

Ah, there's always next year.

I don't know why I think any of you care at all about the minutia of my life. There's something a little comforting about just writing it out and seeing that no matter what the insidious little voice tells me about my life I have had the opportunity to be with extraordinary folks and bring together families to remember Messiah, touch one another's lives and hopefully deepen the friendships that do exist.

So, tonight I am thankful. Tired. Drained. Incomplete and inadequate.

And thankful.