Friday, December 29, 2006

Erik over at Emunda is having quite the conversation. I put my two cents in there and wanted to post it here too. Not because I believe it's exceptionally brilliant or anything, but because I am again saddened at the grip of deception the enemy has on those who truly have a desire for spirituality but are so desperate to hold onto their lifestyle at any cost. Even that of true relationship with G-d.

See, G-d loves us all. But that Love so far supercedes our human understanding that instead of i being the gushy hippy love that just makes everyone feel better it's the Love that empowers us to change, to grow, to transform into His image.

And where does one find that image? In His Word. Reflected in every chapter and verse, every jot and tittle from Genesis to Revelation. That's the blueprint that we should mold our lives after. We change. He does not.

Because if He did? He wouldn't be much of a G-d.

Eric Wolff,

It is unfortunate that you think that we differ over the blatant exposition of public sex.

Whether straight or gay I find it abhorrent to have sexual activity thrown in my face.

I believe that if adultery and rebellion were more sternly punished we'd have a lot more people that stay married and a generation of respectful responsible individuals instead of the hedonistic self-serving "never-grow-up" generation consonant that we have today.

What you do in the privacy of your home is an issue between you and G-d. The gay movement believes He's ok with it and it just infuriates the gay movement that there is a contingent of folks who believe differently.

See, when I study Scripture and I read the word "homosexuality" I go to the original Hebrew word and it's incredible. It actually means intercourse with persons of the same gender. And when I read the words "condemned", "destroyed" and see how G-d has said He "hates it"? Well, those words mean exactly that.

Since I don't consider myself a spokesperson for G-d I then have a choice. Either I am choosing to believe in a G-d who doesn't accurately represent Himself, ergo He lies. OR I am completely in disagreement with this G-d and the Deity I am looking for is not the same one found in the Bible down through time.

It can't be both ways. Either G-d's a liar or He's not. When He said that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, there was no escape clause. No if/and/but that gave Him leave to deny thousands of years of recorded lifestyle guidelines.

I follow Him. He does not follow me, nor does He change at the whim of my choice.

And that's what it boils down to. We all have a proclivity for certain types of sin. The gay movement is filled with persons with the proclivity for homoerotic sex. The millions of obese people in our nation are filled with persons with a proclivity for gluttony. Our prisons are full of persons with the proclivity for murder. And all of these folks are empowered with the same free will that G-d breathed into Adam.

If I declare a relationship with G-d, if I hold to the tenets of faith along with millions of other believers down through time, then I am not free to indulge my proclivities at the expense of that relationship with G-d.

In effect, when I choose to redefine His words into a more palatable expression of my faith then I am, de facto, making a god in my image. I am following my own understanding and creating a religion based on my comfort and my desire.

And at that point G-d's not really part of the conversation any more, is He.